A core principle for Baku White City is that the development will be socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. Achieving this goal means that the development will be socially diverse, economically active and environmentally sound whilst making efficient use of infrastructure, energy and other resources.
The master plan is inherently sustainable in terms of its structure and land utilization. The development adheres to sustainability principles in the following ways:
The remediation of significant ground contamination and pollution issues which currently exist on the development site
The intensification of a key site, close to Baku city centre, which will utilize existing infrastructure and reduce the need for development on environmentally sensitive land outside of the city
The development of a range of public transport options, including an underground metro system, and a waterfront tram link, to reduce the reliance on the private car
An urban structure and public realm which encourages walking and cycling throughout the development
A mix of land uses which provides employment, entertainment and leisure opportunities, as well as a range of community facilities, within easy walking distance of residential areas, thereby reducing the need to travel
A range of economic development opportunities to enable the growth and diversification of the economy of Baku and Azerbaijan
The revitalization of existing green spaces, including a range of new open spaces
The 'greening' of streets and avenues that will help to mitigate the effects of pollution emitted from vehicles
A mix of residential unit types, in terms of size, target market and value, which will help to create vibrant, socially-mixed communities
Baku White City Area - 2010